Friday, December 2, 2016

It's Getting Better All the Time: Global Cooling?

I have a darn good memory. And one thing that has stuck in my mind is the fear we had during grade school of the pending disaster of a coming man-made Ice Age in our lifetime.

We heard predictions like, "By 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." and "Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect the earth's temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age." Life magazine

Well, 1985 came and went and that never happened. What really happened is that human ingenuity found ways to make our water and air cleaner. And our standard of living much, much better and environmentally friendly - in spite of population growth and increased levels of CO2 being released worldwide.

(Some history revisionists online are tying real hard to convince us that the scientific community and the media never warned of an ice age. Bah!)

Earth's climate has been been warmer during most of written history than it is today. Our climate today is similar to the worst of the "Little Ice Age" in the middle ages. That dip in temperature wreaked havoc on farming. So, I can understand the fear in the 70s of an ice age with that steady downward trend.

But the current global warming hysteria makes no sense to me. Today's temperatures are still relatively cold.

Dan Britt
We are not perfect and we have room for improvement, but I think I'll tune out the strident voices that tell us we need to make unreasonable and drastic changes, NOW - OR ELSE! I think you should, too. They are obviously profiting from it somehow and don't want their cash cow to dry up.

Don't let the current predictions of doom keep you from investing in your future. Use the trends of the past to predict the future. Not computer models. The past shows us that things usually get better.

Climate Change Forecasts
Dan Britt - Orbits and Ice Ages: The History of Climate (learn how human activity stopped the natural cooling trend)
Wikipedia: Global Cooling
Science 09 Jul 1971: Vol. 173, Issue 3992, pp. 138-141
Is Most Published Research Wrong?

Previous Article

Friday, November 11, 2016

Let's Be Logical: UFOs Are NOT Alien Spacecraft


I used to be thrilled about the idea of aliens from other worlds flying around our planet in high-tech space ships. But then I grew up and realized something sad. They aren't real. The chances of them arriving are slim to none. Mainly, because the distances in space are just too incredibly, mind-boggling huge to support plausible interstellar space travel.

The fastest that a ship can theoretically travel is the speed of light. And that is a highly dubious feat, since light waves and particles have near-zero mass.

A massive space ship would be lucky to achieve half that speed. Faster than light warp-drives and worm holes are literary devices invented by science fiction writers to make it possible for their characters to get from place to place for their adventures. If they made their stories realistic, the books would be incredibly, painfully boring. Like a 100,000 pages of dialog as the characters take centuries to travel from place to place.

The nearest yellow star, like our sun, is 4.7 light years away. And as far as we can tell, there are no planets that can support life. Looking further, there are only 64 yellow stars within 50 light years away. And the odds that another habitable planet out of the infinite universe just happened to be so close to ours is near zero probability.

But let's say there is one such planet that close. And those inhabitants have the technology to send a ship here to observe us. One that can fly in and out of our atmosphere, defying gravity, maneuvering in incredibly wild ways, fly ultrasonic without creating a sonic boom or maybe even have cloaking capabilities - à la Klingon warbird.

My favorite UFO photo. A light fixture reflected in the window
through which the photo was taken.
Don't forget that this ship would have taken centuries to reach us, and if those aliens live that long, they would have a long, boring drive. Or their children's children's children would be the ones to finish the mission. (Mom! Are we there, yet?) If they traveled twice as fast as the fastest current space drive we humans possess then it would take 640,000 years. Wow! Even if they sent a drone with artificial intelligence, the ones who stayed behind would not get the results of such a mission for a 1000 years.

What then, would be the point? Unless they wanted to make contact and use our planet for something important like an outpost or a colony, sending a probe to watch (and probe) us would seem incredibly boring to them and a waste of time and effort and money (if they use money). Kind of like us sending a submersible to study sea slugs and waiting 20 lifetimes for the results.

Another nail in the coffin is the fact that sightings have not increased much in the 20 years they have been keeping track of sightings in earnest. Yet the world population has grown by 30%. That's a heck of a lot more eyes. You would think sightings would have gone up by the same percentage.

Also, smartphone usage has gone from 0 to almost 1.5 billion in just the last 10 years. You would think that with all those high-resolution cameras clicking selfies, there would be some pretty good images of our alien visitors by now. But the images we see are still the same blurry, shaky footage that we saw in the 1970s. Where is the improvement? The only improvement seems to be in stunning CGI manipulation. That doesn't instill much confidence. With all the Photoshopped, nonsensical click-bait around, even if we did get to see the latest space ship in all it's glorious detail, it would be suspicious because so many people are creating hoaxes these days with their editing software.

And what about all the outdoor security cameras and dashboard cameras and body cameras in use today compared to even 10 years ago. Where is the footage? Come on! We can find footage of the latest terrorist bombing or meteor strike or plane crash, but no UFOs? Why is that?

Maybe everyone should stop pointing their cameras at kittens and point them at the sky.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PragerU: Overview 101

Consider this is a jumping off point if you are just starting to learn about the important issues that are tearing America apart. I've highlighted the most important and informative videos from Prager University to get you up to speed quickly.

The silent majority has to push back on the deliberate destruction of this wonderful world by the progressive elite pushing their leftist ideas. After decades of eloquent, right-leaning thinkers being prohibited to voice their views in the mainstream, it is refreshing to see that these ideas finally have a platform.

The mainstream media, academia, Hollywood and the Democratic Party have overtly moved so far left lately that they now alienate classic liberal thinkers. These liberal voices now find an accepting audience among the right. Many of the presenters of these videos would have been in opposition to the conservative camp just a few years ago. Now they are friendly to the conservative movement since even their center-left ideas are coming under attack by the extreme left who have entrenched themselves in the mainstream.

---------------- Left vs Right -----------------

Is Fascism Right or Left?
Coolidge: The Best President You Don't Know
Why I Left the Left

How the States Can Save America

Do You Understand the Electoral College?

---------------- History ----------------

How the Reformation Shaped Your World

Why Has The West Been So Successful?

What Made George Washington Great?

Religious Tolerance: Made in America

Hamilton: The Man Who Invented America

Reconstruction: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

The Chicago Fire: America at Its Best

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

WWI: The War That Changed Everything

What Was the Cold War?
Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War?

---------------- Media Bias ----------------

Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media

What Is Fake News?

AJ+ Is Al Jazeera

---------------- Immigration ----------------

A Fine Time to Become an American

America Wants Legal Immigrants

Build the Wall

Immigrants! Don't Vote for What You Fled

Illegal Immigration: It's About Power

---------------- Capitalism vs Marxism ----------------

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Who Is Karl Marx?
How Socialism Ruined My Country

How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism
Is Denmark Socialist?

---------------- Economics ----------------

America's Debt Crisis Explained

---------------- Education ----------------

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven

How to Get Kids to Listen
Why Self-Esteem Is Self-Defeating
What Does Diversity Have to Do with Science?

Is Harvard Racist?
Is College Worth It?

---------------- Feminism ----------------

There Is No Gender Wage Gap
War on Boys
Feminism 2.0

What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?
Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Who Needs Feminism?

---------------- Foreign Relations ----------------

Brexit: Why Britain Left the European Union

What's Holding the Arab World Back?
Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology
Why America's Military Must Be Strong

---------------- Multiculturism ----------------

Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

---------------- Race Relations ----------------

Where Are You, Martin Luther King?

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans

Is America Racist?

Playing the Black Card

Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks

Cops Are the Good Guys