Saturday, October 10, 2020

12 Things You Need to Know About Politics

1. No politician can get elected and stay elected without Party support.

The American form of government lends it self to two major parties. The Ross Perots, Bernie Sanders and Ralph Naders of our country will never win the presidency without running as the candidate of one of the two major parties. Donald Trump would never have won as an independent. 

2. Politicians need to vote overwhelmingly along party lines or they lose that support.

You may think a particular Democrat you support is "conservative." But they have to vote the way their party says on the most important issues. Unless, it is a slam dunk for the party (meaning they have a clear majority in their favor) and then they can do a "show" anti-vote to appease their red supporters. So check out their voting record. This is a good place to start. Scorecard

3. Therefor you need to know the party platforms to see what you are supporting with your vote. 

You really should choose a party. Being an independent is a copout and a form of virtue signalling. You have no control over the party direction or the candidates they put forward if you stand on the sidelines. In many states, you can't vote in a given Primary unless you are registered with that party. Here are the party platforms for each party: Republican and Democrat.

4. Over 95% of corporate media are Democrats, so the media are the information arm of that party.

It used to be that the news was subtle about their spin. Not any more. Ever since Donald Trump won, they have given up all pretense at non-biased news coverage. They know that millions of viewers only get their news from them, so they spread blatant propaganda. Learn more at Media Research Center's NewsBusters.

5. The media have been making Republicans look evil and Democrats look good for decades.

Even Reagan was demonized during his tenure. It was the media warming up for Donald Trump. When the corporate media reported on Al Gore's incessant lies, they did so with an aw-shucks-isn't-he-cute?-he-just-fibbed-a-little-today spin. If a Republican had lied like Al Gore did, he would have been run out of town.

6. Republicans have gotten used to this game and have learned to co-exist as the minority party as long as they get the crumbs from the corruption.

Just look at all the Republican Never-Trumpers whose true colors have been revealed when Donald Trump threatened to upset their boat. George Will, Bill Kristol, George W. Bush, and everyone in the Lincoln Project are fake conservatives who have been playing a role no different than Stephen Colbert in "The Colbert Report."

7. Neither party in DC want to deliver on their promises.

They like the status quo. They want to keep issues alive to fire up their base for re-election. They are always dangling that carrot that maybe this time they'll succeed in delivering on their promises.

8. The Marxists/Globalists have targeted and are hi-jacking the Democratic party.

Most liberals gravitated to the Democrat party and they share many beliefs of Marxists. (Understanding Left and Right) So, naturally they ended up as bedfellows. But the Marxists are kicking the Democrats out of bed. And now they ARE delivering on promises to their extreme Leftist base. Here's a good read: Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through attacks on police, history and institutions

9. True conservatives have been slowly taking over the Republican party. 

However, there are still a lot of hold outs of the old-school Republicans who like the status quo. And many of the new representatives get folded into the club. They get crumbs from the corruption banquet that fall off the table, so they are complicit in the oligarchy that has taken root in Washington and are trampling on the Constitution daily. Unfortunately, many of the true Conservatives get sucked into the swamp and join the corruption party. But we can't give up!

10. Trump is the first Republican that has fought back against the status quo. 

They've ramped up their lies. The mainstream Republicans support this as long as they get DC back to corrupt business as usual.

11. Trump is actually implementing many of the Republican party platform that has been promised and never delivered by mainstream Republicans.

And for some reason, the DC Republicans are offended by this. Why? Because they are losing their "issues" that get them elected year after year. If things get fixed then who will vote for them ever again?

12. You can verify this if you start reading alternative news sources.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

How Did We Get Here?

The people who want a one-world government don't like free-market capitalism because it's too unpredictable and difficult to control. Yet, communism has failed due to its attempt at the government micro-managing business and industry. They now prefer Neo-Marxism which is a hybrid of free market economy coupled with an authoritarian rule by the government.

So, they push that Neo-Marxism under the lovely name of Democratic Socialism.

Socialism is their tool of choice not because they actually believe the principles. They just know that the "promise" of having everything equal and bringing all countries together in a peaceful utopia is a powerful lure. But make no mistake, they have no intention of making everything equal. At least not for the people in power. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell

“The goal of socialism is communism.” - Vladimir Lenin

In his writings, Karl Marx had predicted the workers would naturally rise up and overthrow the merchants/landlords/capitalists and create a communal government as countries got richer and more industrialized and the workers got more downtrodden. But by 1900, it became clear that wasn't going to happen. The middle class was actually growing and getting richer in the more advanced countries.  

Communism was in crisis.

So, Lenin took advantage of World War I and the backwardness of Russia to overthrow his government and force communism on his country. Lenin almost immediately set up Communist International (or COMINTERN) with the goal of exporting communism world-wide through propaganda, espionage, bribery, subversive tactics and flat out military force.

So it turns out that Senator Joe McCarthy was not crazy in his desire to root out the communist infiltrators in our society. The threat was real. But since he and his colleagues lost that battle, the winners of the culture war have since been able to demonize McCarthyism with impunity and if anyone defends that line of thinking they are ridiculed and discredited. The winners get to write the history.

How did this charade get rooted in American culture?

Just before World War II, a group of Soviet-sympathizing German philosophers left Germany because they didn’t agree with Hitler's version of socialism, National Socialism or Nazi for short. They set up the Frankfurt School at Columbia University. They realized that communism would never take hold world-wide as long as the United States of America still existed. They helped create a game plan to take out the US and aided and abetted the USSR to infiltrate the American government and other institutions.

Their goal was to reshape the hearts and minds of Americans so they could replace the USA's constitutional form of government with something more sympathetic to the communists goal of global domination. Divide and conquer was their main strategy. And the first and most obvious divide that they could take advantage of was the racial divide. 

Emboldened by their success in defeating McCarthyism, they launched a race war in the 1960s. However, rather than destroy our country it made us stronger since America ended segregation. The people behind the Sixty's revolution faded into the background to continue their cultural revolution by taking jobs in eduction and Hollywood to bide their time for another opportunity for radical change.

That opportunity came when Barack Obama was elected president. He was a community organizer, or activist, during his college years. He was influenced by the man who literally wrote the neo-Marxist book on activism and subversion, Saul Alinsky. 

Obama subscribed to the globalists' tactic of creating tension among various groups, including blacks and whites in America. He gave glowing reviews to Black Lives Matter after the Ferguson riots. And since Black Lives Matter had the goal of destroying the police, there were several assassinations of police officers after President Obama gave a nod to BLM.  

These neo-Marxists and their useful idiots are behind everything that disrupts our country and culture, including the agendas of various groups: gay/lesbian, transgender, climate change, abortion, anti-cops and more.

Now we are faced with a whole generation who have been raised on this subversive education system and are now indoctrinated to hate our country. Whether they are the people who will benefit as the leaders of the New World Order or just useful idiots it is the same. 

Our culture has been hijacked by people pushing the hate America first agenda.

Where do we go from here?

The first step is to get educated and then educate others. We don't need control of Hollywood and the universities to get the word out. The most effective method is grass roots education. Most people have a suspicion they have been lied to and will be responsive to the right words.

We the People are still in control of this country. If we stay vigilant and push back we can regain the America we know and love.

Additional Reading:

How Democrats Are Using Saul Alinsky’s Smear Tactics Against Brett Kavanaugh - The Federalist

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left - Dinesh D'Souza

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Ray Bradbury's 1979 Afterword to Fahrenheit 451

My wife just finished Fahrenheit 451 and fell in love with all things Ray Bradbury. She's been watching his interviews on Youtube and reading everything about his life.

She read his afterword to me and I was amazed at his clarity of things. I felt that the world today needs to read this. Every word is pertinent to today's great divide among Americans. I couldn't find it published anywhere on the web so I felt compelled to scan the text and post it here.

I was especially struck by his description of the intersectional censorship he dealt with and how it is alive and well in today's PC culture.

Fire-Captain Beatty, in my novel Fahrenheit 451, described how the books were burned first by minorities, each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the libraries closed forever. 
The point is obvious. There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women's Lib/Republican, Mattachine/Four Square Gospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse.

Either the world hasn't changed much or he was very prescient. Which one do you think?