Saturday, October 10, 2020

12 Things You Need to Know About Politics

1. No politician can get elected and stay elected without Party support.

The American form of government lends it self to two major parties. The Ross Perots, Bernie Sanders and Ralph Naders of our country will never win the presidency without running as the candidate of one of the two major parties. Donald Trump would never have won as an independent. 

2. Politicians need to vote overwhelmingly along party lines or they lose that support.

You may think a particular Democrat you support is "conservative." But they have to vote the way their party says on the most important issues. Unless, it is a slam dunk for the party (meaning they have a clear majority in their favor) and then they can do a "show" anti-vote to appease their red supporters. So check out their voting record. This is a good place to start. Scorecard

3. Therefor you need to know the party platforms to see what you are supporting with your vote. 

You really should choose a party. Being an independent is a copout and a form of virtue signalling. You have no control over the party direction or the candidates they put forward if you stand on the sidelines. In many states, you can't vote in a given Primary unless you are registered with that party. Here are the party platforms for each party: Republican and Democrat.

4. Over 95% of corporate media are Democrats, so the media are the information arm of that party.

It used to be that the news was subtle about their spin. Not any more. Ever since Donald Trump won, they have given up all pretense at non-biased news coverage. They know that millions of viewers only get their news from them, so they spread blatant propaganda. Learn more at Media Research Center's NewsBusters.

5. The media have been making Republicans look evil and Democrats look good for decades.

Even Reagan was demonized during his tenure. It was the media warming up for Donald Trump. When the corporate media reported on Al Gore's incessant lies, they did so with an aw-shucks-isn't-he-cute?-he-just-fibbed-a-little-today spin. If a Republican had lied like Al Gore did, he would have been run out of town.

6. Republicans have gotten used to this game and have learned to co-exist as the minority party as long as they get the crumbs from the corruption.

Just look at all the Republican Never-Trumpers whose true colors have been revealed when Donald Trump threatened to upset their boat. George Will, Bill Kristol, George W. Bush, and everyone in the Lincoln Project are fake conservatives who have been playing a role no different than Stephen Colbert in "The Colbert Report."

7. Neither party in DC want to deliver on their promises.

They like the status quo. They want to keep issues alive to fire up their base for re-election. They are always dangling that carrot that maybe this time they'll succeed in delivering on their promises.

8. The Marxists/Globalists have targeted and are hi-jacking the Democratic party.

Most liberals gravitated to the Democrat party and they share many beliefs of Marxists. (Understanding Left and Right) So, naturally they ended up as bedfellows. But the Marxists are kicking the Democrats out of bed. And now they ARE delivering on promises to their extreme Leftist base. Here's a good read: Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through attacks on police, history and institutions

9. True conservatives have been slowly taking over the Republican party. 

However, there are still a lot of hold outs of the old-school Republicans who like the status quo. And many of the new representatives get folded into the club. They get crumbs from the corruption banquet that fall off the table, so they are complicit in the oligarchy that has taken root in Washington and are trampling on the Constitution daily. Unfortunately, many of the true Conservatives get sucked into the swamp and join the corruption party. But we can't give up!

10. Trump is the first Republican that has fought back against the status quo. 

They've ramped up their lies. The mainstream Republicans support this as long as they get DC back to corrupt business as usual.

11. Trump is actually implementing many of the Republican party platform that has been promised and never delivered by mainstream Republicans.

And for some reason, the DC Republicans are offended by this. Why? Because they are losing their "issues" that get them elected year after year. If things get fixed then who will vote for them ever again?

12. You can verify this if you start reading alternative news sources.

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