Monday, February 7, 2022

It's Getting Better All the Time.

More and more people today are developing a sense of dread for the future. Did you know that every person in every age felt the same way? For some reason human nature tends to think the present seems worse than the "good old days" and the future looks even worse.

But I feel it a duty to point out to all reasonable, thinking adults that there is no reason to fear the future. And I have the facts to prove it. Please ignore all the negative news and doomsday predictions. You are old enough to remember, if you take the time, that there have been dire predictions for as long as you can remember. Right?

And did those predictions come true? Absolutely not.

In fact, things got better. And that is exactly what will happen again. The end of the world predictions will not occur and things will again get better. So rejoice! The future looks bright.

Julian Simon changed my life.

I think I began my life of optimism after learning about Julian Simon around the early 1990s. We were starting a mail order business so I read his book,  How to Start and Operate a Mail Order Business. It turned out that this book was a one-off for him. He was an economist and most of his books where about the historically optimistic side of economics. He used his years of data research to try and plead with the people to not listen to the doomsayers because the Ultimate Resource as he put it was human ingenuity. Which historically ALWAYS solved man's problems and made things better for EVERYONE.

Think back to the 70s. The pessimists in the media were predicting ecological catastrophe, overpopulation, a coming man-made ice age, running out of resources, drought, famine, etc. - yet amid all that bluster, the cool mind of Julian Simon argued the opposite.

He even put his money where his mouth was. In 1980, he challenged any and all of these doomsayers to a bet. Choose any number of precious resources that you think would be depleted in a ten years time and he would bet them that they would be wrong. Simon was so sure he would win, he even let them choose which resources.

So Paul Ehrlich, the media's darling go-to for ratings-boosting scary predictions, took up the bet. Ehrlich chose 5 resources that he thought for sure would go up in price due to high demand and scarcity in the industry. 10 years later he lost the bet. All 5 went down in price (adjusted for inflation). The negative thinkers are still arguing that Simon was just lucky. But he wasn't. History has shown repeatedly that, overall, we as a human race consistently progress and make things better. And the more minds at work, the better. So bring on the population! There is room for all of us on this beautiful planet.

Think of all failed predictions we've seen in our lifetime. Examples include overpopulation, running out of resources, the end of civilization, man-made ice age and other catastrophic climate events, mass starvation, mass extinctions, and more. Julian Simon understood our world better than these prophets of doom. And every one of these scary predictions have not even come close to coming to pass - the world is consistently becoming a BETTER place in which to live. Thanks to the human race coming together and solving problems.

So have faith in the future. Make plans. Invest in yours and your children's future. Things are getting better all the time.

Check out these uplifting charts and statistics below.

Look at how the much of the world was lifted out of poverty in the last 30 years.
Hunger is on the decline world wide

Extreme poverty declining world-wide

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Conspiracy of Idiots

I am sad that so many good Patriots are inclined to see a conspiracy under every rock and around every corner. You give our ruling elite way too much credit if you think this way - meaning, to think they are secretly manipulating every aspect of life and history. 

They are NOT that smart.

Yes, there is a huge amount of collusion among corrupt and unethical government, media and business leaders in the USA and around the world, but they are NOT smart enough to be one step ahead of every single thing everyone thinks and does.

However, they ARE smart enough to mess with your mind.

They have enough influence on the corporate media to manipulate it like a pro. They even manipulate the right-wing news and social media to play on your disposition to see a conspiracy everywhere by making it look like there really is one. They want you to think they are smart enough to be involved in everything and one step ahead of you. Their intent is to make good people like you give up on trying to drain the swamp. 

That is their game. And they are wildly successful.

Entertaining far-fetched conspiracies misdirects your energy from the real conspiracy. Some people call it the Deep State. I call it a Conspiracy of Idiots.

The Conspiracy of Idiots is professional government types trying to do anything and everything to keep their careers and power intact. They help each other. 

When someone's position is in trouble, they help preserve the other's survival with the implicit knowledge that when or if they themselves are ever in danger of losing their job, or held accountable for wrong-doing, that some other bureaucrat, in turn, will have their back.

These lifetime bureaucrats get so well connected after decades of "service" that the back-scratching happens across agencies. 

Employees of the NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, FDA, CDC, NIH, ATF, DOJ, DOD and a host of other agencies, as well as the media and lobbying industries are all part of the "revolving door" culture. That's where elected officials, bureaucrats, lobbyists and the media all aspire to move around, back and forth in pursuit of higher-paying, more influential jobs. 

They are all following the unwritten rule to watch each others backs and keep the honest elected officials, you and I in the dark as much as possible. The members of the RNC/DNC, or in other words, the people behind the Incumbent Party, are deeply in on this game. 

That's not so much a conspiracy as it's human nature - the instinct for self-preservation and greed.

That's why our country's founders tried to put checks and balances in place to avoid this. However, after 200 plus years, career politicians and bureaucrats have beaten down those checks and balances and now use them to their own advantage. They do NOT care what you think or want. They know they can get re-elected and get their appointments reconfirmed without your vote.

Here is an example of the Conspiracy of Idiots in action. 

The media gave Donald Trump the most airtime during the 2016 campaign, thinking there was no way he would win. They did it because it was good for ratings and brought in money. They considered him a joke.  So, when he did win, they went ballistic out of self-loathing frustration. 

They forgot that the candidate who gets the most news coverage will benefit from a 10% boost in votes. 

So much for evil geniuses.

Seeing the media melt down at their huge mistake, the Deep State saw an opportunity to remove the Trump thorn in their side by leaking misleading, out of context and outright fabricated information to the media, knowing these "journalists" will gobble up any and all stories that might remove President Trump and atone for their sin of helping Donald win.

This is an example of the idiots that run our government, media, and corporations. They are barely one step ahead of their own stupidity to ever be a secret cabal of evil geniuses pulling the strings to shape history and daily life.

That gives them WAY too much credit.

If you fall for every conspiracy, you run the risk of not trusting an organization that actually could help drain the swamp. Organizations like your own church, the America First arm of the Republican Party or the Convention of States

The best example of this is QAnon.

It became obvious to me early on that QAnon must be a Deep State troll - probably run by the NSA, CIA and/or FBI. Their goal was to make the most active group of God-loving, USA-loving, Constitution-loving people withdraw from action and do nothing.

QAnon followers and bots spewed the terms #TrustThePlan and #StayTheCourse by giving promises that something big would drop in the next week or so that would solve all the problems with the corrupt politicians, fake impeachment, phony pandemic, shut downs, stolen election, etc.

All it took was for the shoe NOT to drop during their promised time frame two, maybe three, times for me to realize that QAnon was full of shit. 

The biggest threat to the elites in power is the  Conservative movement. You, I and the rest of the silent majority. So they spend lots of time trying to neutralize that threat.

They constantly point out that the biggest threat to America is a "right wing conspiracy" and they do it with a straight face while America burns from left-wing anarchists. Why? Because they know they can end the left-wing anarchy any time they want to. But if the silent majority got off their asses and got involved in a meaningful way, they would have no chance in hell of surviving. So they smear the Right and any classic liberal who questions the status quo with accusations of racism and hate.

The Conspiracy of Idiots uses subtle extortion and the threat of "exposure" to keep the elected officials in line. The honest elected officials are heavily manipulated. Republicans have so little support in the media that even a threat of exposure, no matter how unfounded or out of context the accusation would be, will make them put their tails between their legs and obey the whispering Deep State bogeyman. 

However, Donald Trump was mostly immune to their games. Their threats didn't work on him. Some conspiracy buffs think President Trump was their puppet, but that is not true. He was the first person in Washington that refused to be manipulated and that is why they wanted him out so desperately. This is another example of how falling for a non-existent conspiracy could make you withdraw support from something can effect meaningful change. Believing Trump was part of the "big conspiracy" is just plain paranoid.

The Illuminati Baloney

I grew up with a father who fully believed in the centuries-long conspiracy of the Illuminati. But when I came to the age of critical thinking, I realized it was nonsense. 

And for one very simple reason. 

No one would ever be interested in a secret society that had a plan of global domination that would take centuries to fulfill. People are too self-centered for that. If they can't benefit during their lifetime, they would have no part of it.

Now, Satan did whisper in the ears of people in power down through the ages and it now looks like there was a conspiracy the whole time. That's because his aim IS world domination and world misery. He'll do everything he can to achieve that. But he has been thwarted in his scheme by good men doing good things just as often as he has succeeded in influencing bad men to do bad things. 

God will win in the end. But the end is NOT near so don't sit on your arse and wait for the end to come. Your death is more likely to happen during your lifetime than you are to see the Second Coming of Christ. Use your time wisely!

Some people think that 9/11 was planned and executed by the Deep State. Again, they are not smart enough to pull off a false flag event that huge and get away with it. 

They ARE smart enough, however, to not let a good crisis go to waste. They used their positions to campaign the American people and our Representatives to hand more power and control to them in the name of safety. Hence the Patriot Act. 

Some people think that the government knew exactly when and where Pearl Harbor was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. If you believe that, you need to read some history books. American intelligence didn't crack Japanese codes until January of 1942. 

The other sources of intelligence during the fall of 1941 hinted to the Japanese Imperial Navy being in and around Japan, ramping up for a possible attack on US or British interests somewhere in the western Pacific (Guam, Philippines, Borneo or Malaysia). Of course, a large part of that belief came from deliberate Japanese disinformation to hide their true aims.

American leadership was more concerned about sabotage from Japanese covert ops at Pearl Harbor than a military strike. That's why so many warplanes where neatly lined up far away from the base's fences, making them easy targets for the attacking Japanese air force.

Yes, Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted a reason to declar war on the Axis. But he didn't cleverly orchestrate Pearl Harbor. 

Politicians, military and bureaucrats weren't evil geniuses then and they still aren't. So, stop treating them like they are.

Then get involved and do something to restore the constitutional checks and balances that have been lost.

More reading:

The Rule of Midwits

The Deep State emerges. This will change America forever.

The Silent Coup

Former Newsmax Host Takes a Blowtorch to Network, Exposes “Traitorous Behind-The-Scenes Deals”

How the States Can Save America

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Why Lockdowns Are a Two Hundred-Year Backwards Step

Throughout history, pandemics arrived in communities every 8 to 20 years. These plagues where devastating - usually claiming the lives of ten to forty percent of the population. However, this frequency pattern started to decline throughout the 19th century and all but disappeared in the first few decades of the 20th century.


The reason is because of the increase of international travel. 

First by steamer, then by airlines. 

Before international travel, when a new disease came upon the scene, the pathogen mutated into new variants but the original population of people were affected in a minor way because they had built up immunity from the original outbreak. 

It was when someone (a sailor, soldier, merchant or adventurer OR with fleas or rats in tow) that had the disease in its advanced evolution arrived in a new and distant community that havoc was wreaked. 

Mainly, because that new community had missed out on developing antibodies to the contagion during the pathogen's evolution.

This is the reason why the discovery of the Americas by Europeans was so devastating. The Europeans brought with them viruses to which they had developed immunity over the time period that these microorganisms had become more virulent. They had little effect on the hosts but had become superbugs to the native Americans.

So, with that in mind. Why in the hell do the "experts" think that lockdowns are the best way to slow the spread of a new disease? If someone hides in their house and effectively misses out on the first generations of the infection without developing natural immunity, then they are more and more at risk of dying when they finally catch a later, possibly more virulent strain.

That's like turning the clock back 200 years and losing the benefit we are reaping of international travel, which keeps any one virus from mutating in an isolated population before breaking away and devasting another population.

Then add to the mix that the vaccines that have been developed are considered "leaky" vaccines that accelerate the rate of mutation beyond the natural mutation rate as the viruses that are resistant to the vaccines pass their genes on more quickly to new generations of virus.

It seems to me, these "experts" don't have any common sense.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

12 Things You Need to Know About Politics

1. No politician can get elected and stay elected without Party support.

The American form of government lends it self to two major parties. The Ross Perots, Bernie Sanders and Ralph Naders of our country will never win the presidency without running as the candidate of one of the two major parties. Donald Trump would never have won as an independent. 

2. Politicians need to vote overwhelmingly along party lines or they lose that support.

You may think a particular Democrat you support is "conservative." But they have to vote the way their party says on the most important issues. Unless, it is a slam dunk for the party (meaning they have a clear majority in their favor) and then they can do a "show" anti-vote to appease their red supporters. So check out their voting record. This is a good place to start. Scorecard

3. Therefor you need to know the party platforms to see what you are supporting with your vote. 

You really should choose a party. Being an independent is a copout and a form of virtue signalling. You have no control over the party direction or the candidates they put forward if you stand on the sidelines. In many states, you can't vote in a given Primary unless you are registered with that party. Here are the party platforms for each party: Republican and Democrat.

4. Over 95% of corporate media are Democrats, so the media are the information arm of that party.

It used to be that the news was subtle about their spin. Not any more. Ever since Donald Trump won, they have given up all pretense at non-biased news coverage. They know that millions of viewers only get their news from them, so they spread blatant propaganda. Learn more at Media Research Center's NewsBusters.

5. The media have been making Republicans look evil and Democrats look good for decades.

Even Reagan was demonized during his tenure. It was the media warming up for Donald Trump. When the corporate media reported on Al Gore's incessant lies, they did so with an aw-shucks-isn't-he-cute?-he-just-fibbed-a-little-today spin. If a Republican had lied like Al Gore did, he would have been run out of town.

6. Republicans have gotten used to this game and have learned to co-exist as the minority party as long as they get the crumbs from the corruption.

Just look at all the Republican Never-Trumpers whose true colors have been revealed when Donald Trump threatened to upset their boat. George Will, Bill Kristol, George W. Bush, and everyone in the Lincoln Project are fake conservatives who have been playing a role no different than Stephen Colbert in "The Colbert Report."

7. Neither party in DC want to deliver on their promises.

They like the status quo. They want to keep issues alive to fire up their base for re-election. They are always dangling that carrot that maybe this time they'll succeed in delivering on their promises.

8. The Marxists/Globalists have targeted and are hi-jacking the Democratic party.

Most liberals gravitated to the Democrat party and they share many beliefs of Marxists. (Understanding Left and Right) So, naturally they ended up as bedfellows. But the Marxists are kicking the Democrats out of bed. And now they ARE delivering on promises to their extreme Leftist base. Here's a good read: Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through attacks on police, history and institutions

9. True conservatives have been slowly taking over the Republican party. 

However, there are still a lot of hold outs of the old-school Republicans who like the status quo. And many of the new representatives get folded into the club. They get crumbs from the corruption banquet that fall off the table, so they are complicit in the oligarchy that has taken root in Washington and are trampling on the Constitution daily. Unfortunately, many of the true Conservatives get sucked into the swamp and join the corruption party. But we can't give up!

10. Trump is the first Republican that has fought back against the status quo. 

They've ramped up their lies. The mainstream Republicans support this as long as they get DC back to corrupt business as usual.

11. Trump is actually implementing many of the Republican party platform that has been promised and never delivered by mainstream Republicans.

And for some reason, the DC Republicans are offended by this. Why? Because they are losing their "issues" that get them elected year after year. If things get fixed then who will vote for them ever again?

12. You can verify this if you start reading alternative news sources.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

How Did We Get Here?

The people who want a one-world government don't like free-market capitalism because it's too unpredictable and difficult to control. Yet, communism has failed due to its attempt at the government micro-managing business and industry. They now prefer Neo-Marxism which is a hybrid of free market economy coupled with an authoritarian rule by the government.

So, they push that Neo-Marxism under the lovely name of Democratic Socialism.

Socialism is their tool of choice not because they actually believe the principles. They just know that the "promise" of having everything equal and bringing all countries together in a peaceful utopia is a powerful lure. But make no mistake, they have no intention of making everything equal. At least not for the people in power. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell

“The goal of socialism is communism.” - Vladimir Lenin

In his writings, Karl Marx had predicted the workers would naturally rise up and overthrow the merchants/landlords/capitalists and create a communal government as countries got richer and more industrialized and the workers got more downtrodden. But by 1900, it became clear that wasn't going to happen. The middle class was actually growing and getting richer in the more advanced countries.  

Communism was in crisis.

So, Lenin took advantage of World War I and the backwardness of Russia to overthrow his government and force communism on his country. Lenin almost immediately set up Communist International (or COMINTERN) with the goal of exporting communism world-wide through propaganda, espionage, bribery, subversive tactics and flat out military force.

So it turns out that Senator Joe McCarthy was not crazy in his desire to root out the communist infiltrators in our society. The threat was real. But since he and his colleagues lost that battle, the winners of the culture war have since been able to demonize McCarthyism with impunity and if anyone defends that line of thinking they are ridiculed and discredited. The winners get to write the history.

How did this charade get rooted in American culture?

Just before World War II, a group of Soviet-sympathizing German philosophers left Germany because they didn’t agree with Hitler's version of socialism, National Socialism or Nazi for short. They set up the Frankfurt School at Columbia University. They realized that communism would never take hold world-wide as long as the United States of America still existed. They helped create a game plan to take out the US and aided and abetted the USSR to infiltrate the American government and other institutions.

Their goal was to reshape the hearts and minds of Americans so they could replace the USA's constitutional form of government with something more sympathetic to the communists goal of global domination. Divide and conquer was their main strategy. And the first and most obvious divide that they could take advantage of was the racial divide. 

Emboldened by their success in defeating McCarthyism, they launched a race war in the 1960s. However, rather than destroy our country it made us stronger since America ended segregation. The people behind the Sixty's revolution faded into the background to continue their cultural revolution by taking jobs in eduction and Hollywood to bide their time for another opportunity for radical change.

That opportunity came when Barack Obama was elected president. He was a community organizer, or activist, during his college years. He was influenced by the man who literally wrote the neo-Marxist book on activism and subversion, Saul Alinsky. 

Obama subscribed to the globalists' tactic of creating tension among various groups, including blacks and whites in America. He gave glowing reviews to Black Lives Matter after the Ferguson riots. And since Black Lives Matter had the goal of destroying the police, there were several assassinations of police officers after President Obama gave a nod to BLM.  

These neo-Marxists and their useful idiots are behind everything that disrupts our country and culture, including the agendas of various groups: gay/lesbian, transgender, climate change, abortion, anti-cops and more.

Now we are faced with a whole generation who have been raised on this subversive education system and are now indoctrinated to hate our country. Whether they are the people who will benefit as the leaders of the New World Order or just useful idiots it is the same. 

Our culture has been hijacked by people pushing the hate America first agenda.

Where do we go from here?

The first step is to get educated and then educate others. We don't need control of Hollywood and the universities to get the word out. The most effective method is grass roots education. Most people have a suspicion they have been lied to and will be responsive to the right words.

We the People are still in control of this country. If we stay vigilant and push back we can regain the America we know and love.

Additional Reading:

How Democrats Are Using Saul Alinsky’s Smear Tactics Against Brett Kavanaugh - The Federalist

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left - Dinesh D'Souza

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Ray Bradbury's 1979 Afterword to Fahrenheit 451

My wife just finished Fahrenheit 451 and fell in love with all things Ray Bradbury. She's been watching his interviews on Youtube and reading everything about his life.

She read his afterword to me and I was amazed at his clarity of things. I felt that the world today needs to read this. Every word is pertinent to today's great divide among Americans. I couldn't find it published anywhere on the web so I felt compelled to scan the text and post it here.

I was especially struck by his description of the intersectional censorship he dealt with and how it is alive and well in today's PC culture.

Fire-Captain Beatty, in my novel Fahrenheit 451, described how the books were burned first by minorities, each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the libraries closed forever. 
The point is obvious. There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women's Lib/Republican, Mattachine/Four Square Gospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse.

Either the world hasn't changed much or he was very prescient. Which one do you think?

Friday, November 16, 2018

Understanding Left and Right

We will never be able to solve our problems in America until the Left and the Right understand each other, accept those differences and work to find solutions. This is more productive than trying to change each other - or worse - demonize each other.

Here is a basic primer of the differences.

The Left

  • Rights are man-made
  • Morality is subjective
  • Look to the future for guidance
  • Past and present evil 
  • Must move toward utopian future
  • Man is inherently good, social constructs are bad and must be changed
  • Individuals are the center of society
  • The collective is the source of education
  • Equality means all should be the same.
  • The government should erradicate society's inequities
  • Centralized power is progress
  • Knowledge and wisdom are based on theory (and "scientific" studies)
  • American founders were evil hypocrites
  • US Constitution is out-dated and irrelevant
  • US Constitution should be changed through activist judges
The Right

  • Rights are God-given
  • Morality is objective
  • Look to the past for guidance
  • The past was good 
  • Must avoid dystopian future
  • Man is inherently bad, must be checked by laws and religion
  • Family is the central unit of society
  • Parents are the source of education
  • Equality means equal under the law
  • Religion and charities should ease society's inequities
  • Centralized power must be checked
  • Knowledge and wisdom are based on experience (and historical studies)
  • American founders were good men
  • US Constitution was inspired and must  be restored
  • US Constitution should only be changed through the amendment process

I love how Paul Jossey frames the right in his Federalist article:

The right consists of free-market capitalists, who think the individual is the primary political unit, believes in property rights, and are generally distrustful of government by unaccountable agencies and government solutions to social problems. They view family and civil institutions, such as church, as needed checks on state power. 
These people don’t think government should force a business to provide employee birth control or think law should coerce bakers to make cakes against their conscience. They think the solution to bad speech is more speech, and the solution to gun violence is more guns. 

In the graph below, the reason why the Libertarian groups are further right than the Republican groups are because they advocate total freedom, including moral freedom. They advocate the legalization of drugs, prostitution and other social issues. Republican groups agree on fiscal freedom but draw the line at legalizing immoral practices.

Who is right?

Libertarians have solid arguments but we are seeing the results of this failed experiment in the states that legalized marijuana lately. Rather than legalizing it for pharmaceutical research, so they can develop controlled doses for the various illnesses, it is legal for anyone and everyone to self medicate. Of course, people with no medical problems are eager to get there hands on it for recreation. And they easily do. We are already seeing an increase in DUIs and lowered productivity. Not to mention people moving out of those states to find a more moral state to live in.

I think it is because the majority of the Republican groups are God fearing people. They try to live a higher law of morality. These people don't need laws because their faith enforces those "laws" through a desire to fit in and do what is right. But they take umbrage over people flaunting these laws of God. They can see that the more people shun these laws the weaker our society becomes. So, naturally they will side with laws that curtail that.

The Libertarian groups are a strange hybrid of the left (morally) and the right (fiscally). However, they fall on the side of Liberty more strongly than Tyranny so they are definitely considered right wing however wrong their ideas are. The classic example of too much of a good thing no longer being a good thing. We need some laws and some order to really enjoy freedom. Total freedom would be chaos.

Nazis on the left? That is an idea that is steadily gaining momentum. Dinesh D'Souza has rightly exposed the Left's rewriting of history in order to smear the right with Nazism when it was originally a Marxist ideology in his book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Paul Jossey also pointed out that "We can find clues to Hitler’s practical stance on economic questions from the writings of his confidant, Otto Wagener. In texts only translated in the 1980s, Wagener explains that Hitler saw the Russian experiment as right in spirit and wrong in execution. Removing production from the industrial class had spewed unnecessary blood. Industrialists could be controlled and used without slowing the economy or impeding social progress. His task was to convert socialists without killing the entrepreneur and managerial classes."

What about the Alt-Right?

The American Alt-Right might as well be a left wing hate group, because they espouse views more commonly held by left wing political groups. Maybe, that is what the "alt" means. Not right. Or opposite of right. Look at Michael Knowles' explanation in his video, "What Is the Alt-Right?"  Or Dinesh D'Souza's interview of Richard Spencer, the head of the "alt-right" movement.

Note that Spencer doesn't believe in God given rights and that we get rights by being part of the community. That is the Left's viewpoint. And he likes Andrew Jackson over Ronald Reagan? Wow! That is a dead giveaway to his basic ideals. Yeah, pick the president who founded the Democratic party and was for slavery and Indian removal.

It is almost like the alt-right is really just trying to resurrect the original Democratic Party complete with their Klu Klux Klan. It's the party that more closely resembles every form of tyranny from the beginning of time. The people who are comfortable in the Democrat Party today would be in favor of monarchy, oligarchy, communism, fascism and Nazism in previous eras. It's obvious they fall for governments that wield absolute power and demand that citizens be a contributing part of the government's vision of how we should think and act.

I also leave out the traditional notion of Anarchy on the right. Anarchy in it's purest, theoretical form would mean complete Liberty, or no government. But the term Anarchy today is more of a method rather than a state of things. Anarchy is used by all radical groups to destroy the current state of affairs in order to implement their desired form of government or culture. So Anarchy no longer means "no government" but rather chaos and destruction.

Many people would put Anarchy on the far right or replace the word "liberty" in my image above with anarchy. But I disagree. Anarchy is immoral or amoral and sits outside the line because it is more of a phony tactic and can be used by anyone to disrupt society. Even on the far right, near the liberty end, there are still laws. It is the law that ensures liberty for all. Anarchy violently removes liberty for all. If people were naturally good, then we would have no need for society and laws. People would govern themselves and always do the right thing, but they don't. So we need laws.

There are two mistakes when applying the terms Right and Left, as well as, Liberal and Conservative. And those are 1) thinking the meaning has remained constant through the centuries and 2) lumping the American experience with the European one.

In order to understand this, you need to understand the concept of the "Long Nineteenth Century." Wikipedia says, "The long nineteenth century is a term for the 125-year period comprising the years 1789 through 1914. It was coined by Russian writer Ilya Ehrenburg and British Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm. The term refers to the notion that the period reflects a progression of ideas which are characteristic to an understanding of the 19th century in Europe."

This period saw the decline of monarchy and the rise of republicanism and socialism. The "conservatives" during this period where pro-monarchy so they can not be compared to conservatives of today, who revere the radical-for-their-time founding fathers. By the end of the long century, there were no more "conservatives" of this type. All were enamored by political Darwinism and Marxism. So most politically-minded people were part of one or another warring faction of socialism. 

In America, this included the Progressive Republicans and various avowed Socialists. The latter were aligned with French Socialism or Soviet Marxism. 

The Democratic Party were the most conservative. Using the definition of "conservative" being someone who resists change. The Democrats of the early 20th century wanted to preserve the Jim Crow laws and segregation. They believed in social Darwinism but did not trust in a natural social evolution. Instead, they actively fought to make whites superior and blacks inferior. 

This was driven part by their jealousy of the progress of American blacks. In only one generation from the end of slavery, and in spite of being segregated, the black communities had achieved a remarkable level of success and wealth. They were faithful church goers and enjoyed nuclear families.  There were many strong male role models ranging from ordinary fathers to capable political leaders, doctors, lawyers, merchants, and entrepeneurs. The black community's wealth was growing by leaps and bounds. 

[Side note: my grandfather was a traveling mens clothing salesman. He noticed that blacks were coming into wealth but could not put that money into better homes in better neighborhoods because of segregation. So they developed a habit of spending money on clothes and cars. One extreme example of this was when he showed his fabric swatches to a black gentleman who was not impressed by his array of low to high quality fabrics. My grandfather realized that he was fixated on the price rather than the quality of his fabrics. So he told the gentleman that his best samples were in the car. He went to the car, rearranged his best fabric samples, then returned and doubled their prices. The man was happy and chose one for a suit.]

Southern white Democrats wanted to end that prosperity. So, back to reason number one. You can't lump today's conservatives with the conservatives of the early 1900s. They are entirely different people with different worldviews, in spite of today's conservatives being demonized and accused falsely as racists. Conservatives today agree with the Martin Luther King, Jr. and his comment, "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

And for reason number two. You can not compare today's conservatives with the conservatives of Europe. The politics of Europe has been based on dying monarchies and the rise of socialism and republicanism. The Left and Right of the National Assembly in Revolutionary France are not remotely like the left and right in America today. Even today, the left and right in Europe don't share everything with the left and right in America.

Further reading: